Teacher Jon- We have been in the Dire Straits the last three weeks and today is the 9th of AV. Those three weeks are about going through this very narrow place and really being squeezed but we are the place now where we are coming out and the expanse this year is greater, larger and the promise is right there. Just right there. It is just right there. So don’t hold back, step on into it because we are heading out into the larger expanded area with the promise of the Lord.
Apostle Annette Stagmer- And out of your inner most being there flows rivers of living water. These rivers are flowing into rivers, rivers are converging now. Now is the time of the converging of the rivers. When the river comes it and it comes forcibly as more and more streams come into it from your hearts, from your lives, and as you step into it the river level rises because we are in it and it moves faster and faster. It moves all sorts of barriers out of the way. And there is convergence, convergence.
Pat Williams - Your moment has come, do not hesitate to embrace all that I have for you. For My people I have brought you far, now I am engaged in every aspect of your lives. I am strong and My authority has been given to you to pronounce My Word to your land. Don’t hesitate to follow My leading for I will not let you down.
Apostle Robert Stagmer- TPT Revelation 4:1
Then suddenly, after I wrote down these messages, I saw a portal open into the heavenly realm, and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the beginning[a] said, “Ascend into this realm![b] I want to reveal to you what must happen[c] after this.” I believe the shofar sound ushers in the prophetic and so I will release it.
Apostle Annette Stagmer- Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep! I do not want My sons and daughters, My children behaving as Philistines when My judgment falls, which will be soon and will continue but they shall not be yipping and yeaing then. Do it now He says. Now in My presence with great faith what I am bringing forth, My justice and My righteousness in setting things in order on My earth for the purpose of the kingdom. No Philistines among My children.
Choosing your friends is really important. Who you are spending your time with, the difference between familiarity and intimacy. The intimacy must come from friends who know the Lord and to Him first so they will tell you the truth, and they will correct you if they see you going a certain way, or before certain words even leave your mouth. The Lord showed us tornadoes coming out of our mouths that can destroy and pull down things. We need to obey the Lord always so we don’t loose something that He doesn’t want loosed. We don’t want flesh going on and to be pulled by people from our higher calling. Choose who you are walking with or they will pull you the wrong way even amongst the children of the Lord.